Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4/30 Study 25 - The New Beginning

Study 25 - The New Beginning
MARK CHAPTERS 15:40-16:8

Study leader: Steve
Refreshments: Steve and Sharon

1. What was the most surprising and unexpected news you have heard in your life?

4/23 Study 24 - Suffering at the Hands of the Father

Study 24 - Suffering at the Hands of the Father

Study leader: Moses
Refreshments: Moses and Jyhfen

 1. Has there been a time in your life when you felt forsaken and alone? If so, how did you get through it?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Potluck Dinner on 4/10

4/9 meeting is changed to potluck dinner on 4/10. Dinner is 6 PM at the Hu's.
Come to join us in celebration and sharing of God's blessing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4/16 Study 23 - Suffering at the hands of His Enemies

Study 23 - Suffering at the hands of His Enemies
MARK CHAPTERS 14:53-15:15

Study leader: Wai
Refreshments: Wai and Irene

Did you have any enemies when you were growing up? How did they become your enemies?