Monday, December 13, 2010

1/14 Unit 10 Living with Spirit

Unit 10 Living with Spirit
1. The Spiritual Controls the Material
2. Christ's Statement of Purpose
3. Christ and the Father
4. Christ and the Holy Spirit
5. Christ, the Scriptures, and Prayer

Study leader: Moses
Refreshments: David and Florence

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12/10 Unit 9 Jesus' Relations with Things and People

Unit 9 Jesus' Relations with Things and People
1. Jesus and Materialism
2. Trusting God's Provision
3. Jesus' Sense of Timing
4. Jesus' Friendship
5. Jesus' Speech

Study leader: Greg
Refreshments: Greg and Judy

Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/3/10 Unit 8 Jesus and Emotions

Unit 8 Jesus and Emotions
1. Jesus relates to us
2. Jesus and negative emotions
3. Jesus and positive emotions
4. Controlling emotional impulses
5. Jesus and wisdom

Emotion touches deep in our hearts. How should anger, joy, sadness, fear, hatred, love, etc. relate to our spiritual maturity?

Study leader: Daniel
Refreshments: Kenny and Lauren

Group Schedule

Date Leader Refreshments
12/3/2010 Daniel, Kenny & Lauren
12/10/2010 Greg, Greg & Judy
12/17/2010 Moses, Moses & Jyhfen
12/24/2010 Xmas Eve at the Church
12/31/2010 New Year's Eve at the Church
1/7/2011 Wai, Wai & Irene
1/14/2011 Daniel, David & Florence
1/21/2011 John, John & Siana
1/28/2011 Steve, Steve & Sharon
2/4/2011 Chinese New Year Potluck (2/3/2011 Chinese New Year)

Suggestions are welcome.