Monday, October 19, 2009

10/23 Lesson 6 The Secret of the Kingdom

Study 6 - The Secret of the Kingdom

John is leading the study.


  1. Thanks to Ed. He had already mentioned one of the parables on Saturday.

  2. Questions for the study:
    2. * Make as many observations as you can about the details of the parable in vs.
    1-9. Note the similarities and contrasts between “the seed” and “the soil”.
    3. * What two groups does Jesus distinguish between in vs. 10-12 and what
    characterizes those two groups? / What do you suppose the "secret of the
    kingdom of heaven" is?
    4. * Summarize in a sentence or two the basic meaning of the parable of the soils
    as explained in vs.13-20. Why does Jesus explain the parable?
    5. * How can we apply this parable? What are it's warnings and
    6. If we assume that the parables in vs. 21-25 flow from the parable of the soils,
    what are their meanings and how do they relate to the original parable?
    7. * What is Jesus saying about the Kingdom of God in the parable in vs 26-29?
    (What does the seed stand for? Where does the seed's power come from? What
    is the outcome of the seed being sown?) What does the parable tell us about our
    relationship to the Kingdom of God?
    8. How does the parable in vs. 30-32 expand and build upon the parable that
    came before it?
    9. * Summarize what this passage tells us about Jesus and the Kingdom and state
    how it is connected to the points of the previous chapters.
    10. What lessons about listening to Jesus Christ do you discover in this chapter
    and which are the most pertinent to you? What will you specifically do to
    incorporate this teaching into your life?

  3. When I was more awake over the weekend, I thought about how when I was a newer Christian, I identified with the shallow soil and wondered if my faith would be blown away by bad weather. Now I identify more with the seed that fell amongst throns because I have many more responsibilities and worries. I think that the "soil" can become more "fruitful" with growing faithfulness, so that bad weather and concerns wouldn't get in the way of being "fruitful".

  4. Judy, Thank you for sharing.
    We are all not "good soils" and fruitful from time to time. I guess realizing where we are may be the first step toward moving higher.
