Sunday, January 10, 2010

1/15 Study 14 - Relationships Among Christ's Followers

Study 14 - Relationships Among Christ's Followers

Study Leader: Greg
Refreshments: Greg and Judy

1 comment:

  1. Study Questions:
    READ Mark 9:30-50
    2. What themes run through this passage of Mark's gospel? How does Jesus' prediction of his death in v.31 set up the remainder of the chapter?
    3. Why might the disciples have argued about who among them was the greatest? (Hint: consider what they understood the role of the Messiah to be)
    4. Why does the welcoming of a child serve as a strong indicator of one's willingness to be a servant to all? How does welcoming a child serve as an indicator of accepting Jesus and God the Father?
    5. What kinds of attributes, actions, and attitudes are present in those who you
    would consider "servants of all"? In what kind of situations do you find it most difficult to be a servant to others? What concrete steps can you take to be more of a servant? (Be as specific and practical as you can be)
    6. Look at vs. 38-42. The disciples indicate their unwillingness to receive the exorcist who is ministering apart from them in Jesus' name. What does Jesus indicate is necessary for people to be included among his followers? What are the implications of this passage for Christian relationships?
    7. What might be the connection between the previous sections of this passage and vs. 43 - 49. What is Jesus' main point in these verses?
    8. What truths in this passage would help you live the Christian life? How might you go about making sure these truths have an impact on your life?
    9. From vs.50 and the teaching which precedes it, what does "salt" stand for? What is Jesus saying?
    10. Summarize the teaching of this passage about life in Christian community?
