Friday, March 26, 2010

Pascal's Prayer

Recently I read about Pascal's life and his prayer. I thought I would share with you. Pascal was a genius as well as a devout Christian. I did not know that he died at a relatively young age, 39 and suffered much in his life. Listening to his prayer, I can see his heart for God's glory in every aspect of his life.

Here is his prayer asking God to use illness to a good end,
“O Lord, let me not henceforth desire health or life, except to spend them for You, with You, and in You. You alone know what is good for me; do, therefore, what seems best to you. Give to me, or take from me; conform my will to Yours; and grant that, with humble and perfect submission, and in holy confidence, I may receive the orders of Your eternal providence and may equally adore all that comes to me from You, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3/26 Study 22 - Suffering at the Hands of His Friends

Study 22 - Suffering at the Hands of His Friends

Study leader: Greg
Refreshments: Greg and Judy

1. Have you faced a particularly difficult situation in the past year? Who provided you with the most support?

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Date           Leader   Refreshments
3/12/2010    Wai       Daniel & Pek-Ju
3/19/2010    John      Kenny & Lauren
3/26/2010    Greg      Greg & Judy
4/2/2010     Good Friday, special service in the church
4/9/2010     Potluck dinner
4/16/2010   Wai        Wai & Irene
4/23/2010   Moses    Moses & Jyhfen

4/30/2010   Steve     Steve & Sharon
5/7/2010     Daniel     David & Florence 
5/14/2010   John       John & Siana
5/21/2010   Steve      Julie & Cuong

This is a revised schedule. Please let me know if there is any scheduling conflicts or if you have any suggestions for activities.We will come to an end to our current series soon. Our next series is on spiritual gifts.

3/19 Study 21 - Preparation for Death

Study 21 - Preparation for Death

Study leader: John
Refreshments: Kenny and Lauren

3/12 Study 20 - Living in the Last Days

Study 20 - Living in the Last Days

Study leader: Wai
Refreshments: Daniel & Pek-Ju

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3/5 Study 19 - Teaching With Authority

Study 19 - Teaching With Authority

Study Leader: Daniel
Refreshments: Kenny and Lauren

Have you ever been involved in a formal debate? What was it about and what was the outcome?