Monday, March 8, 2010

3/19 Study 21 - Preparation for Death

Study 21 - Preparation for Death

Study leader: John
Refreshments: Kenny and Lauren

1 comment:

  1. 1. Have you ever given yourself to a cause or a project with a total commitment? If so, what was it and how did it effect your life?
    READ Mark 14:1-26
    2. How would you describe the act of the woman in vv. 3-9? Is there something in her behavior we need to emulate? What would hold us back?
    3. Was Jesus being callous and flippant about the needs of the poor in this passage? On what basis do you make your case?
    4. How do you think these events might have influenced Judas' decision to betray Jesus?
    5. Why does Jesus stress the fact in vv. 18-20 that his betrayer is one of the twelve? What do they reveal about themselves by their response to his prediction? How are the Twelve different from the woman who breaks the jar of perfume upon Jesus?
    6. As Christians are there times when we are like Judas, and in what ways do we differ from him?
    7. What was the significance of the Passover meal and what was Jesus trying to communicate in the words he used at this celebration?
    8. What do we learn from this passage that might affect the way we come to celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
